Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Reading List

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers"

Charles W. Eliot

Thank You, Mr. Falker
Sardine in Outer Space
Sadie and the Snowman
Whispers of War
A Handful of Time
Something Good
The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle
Anne Frank
How the Sun Made A Promise and Kept It
Dinosaur Dinner (With A Slice of Alligator Pie)
Quincy Rumpel
Ramona and Her Father
Gilda Joyce
Too Many Toys
Sugarpuss and Sweetie Pie
Little Red Riding Hood
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Canadian Heroes
100 Days of School
Quilt Alphabet
Exploring Electricity
Let's Try it Out in the Air
Love You Forever
Come to My Party and Other Shape Poems

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sardine in Outer Space

A Graphic Novel
Written By: Emmanuel Guibert
Pictures By: Joann Sfar
Color By: Walter Pezzali
Translation By: Sasha Watson

Today's World Seen From the Eyes of Children
  • Fast-paced
  • Children want action, adventure, excitement
  • Video games-movement, intensity, hands-on
  • Questions about the future
  • Wonder of the unknown
  • Superheros
  • Popular slang
Sardine in Outer Space
  • Fast-paced
  • Possible answers about the future
  • Action, adventure, excitement
  • Material related to a child's world (language, aspects of popular culture)
  • Color
  • Intensity
  • Forces between good and evil
  • Superheros
  • Creation of the unknown
Personal Feelings
I'm not a huge fan of dragons, talking clouds or galatic dictators, but some children are. To me, children represent innocence and freedom, wildness and chaos but none too often, these childlike attributes are squandered in children. Books concerning puppy dogs, making friends and snowmen are placed in the hands of children when it is expected that a love of reading resignates. NO! Some children want to read about dragons that tear your heart out and scary jack-o-laterns that will chase you down. Video games are extremely popular because they engage and excite children. Books need to be exciting and engaging too, to instill a love of reading in children. Sardine in Outer Space inspired and motivated me to start thinking about and open my eyes to different types of genres of text. To an appropriate extent, I want my future students to choose their own reading material to garner success. As I read Sardine in Outer Space, I thought about how I, as a child, would read my Archie comics for hours on end. I would do so because I wanted an easy, quick read but it was always one that engaged me for hours. I, as a reader, contributed something of me to that Archie world which kept me meaningfully engaged with the material. Sardine in Outer Space does just that. An imaginative world is presented and children add to that world through their own personal thoughts and feelings. In the way of illustrations, Sardine in Outer Space exemplifys exactly what children desire- action, adventure, color, intensity, detail- you name it. I felt such a positive connection to the graphic novel Sardine in Outer Space for three different reasons:

1. The witty text, combined with the vibrant and detailed illustrations enabled readers to become part of and contribute to an imaginative world of which they belonged (as the Archie comics had done for me).
2. Various aspects of popular culture such as language and activities were implemented into the novel, creating material that is meaningful to readers.
3. The novel encompassed all of which a child desires in today's society- adventure, action-packed, fast-paced and imagination.

I feel that Sardine in Outer Space would truly encourage a love of reading in children. Sardine in Outer Space draws upon the natural imagination of a child and brings them into a world of which they belong.

Merit in the Classroom
Before I had taken the Childrens Literature course, if someone had asked me "do graphic novels have any sort of merit in the classroom?" I would have firmly said no. I used to believe that graphic novels did not provide as much depth, details or meaningful materials as "regular" novels did. I thought graphic novels were just a fun means of reading for some people but had no educational value. If you asked me now if I thought graphic novels had any sort of merit in the classroom, I would firmly say yes. Whether it be a novel or a graphic novel, the content itself may not be educational but the purpose for using one in the classroom may be so. For example, when you give a graphic novel to a student which contains something of which one desires; action, energy, detail and story, one is acknowledging the personality of that reader and thereby fostering a love of reading. To me, fostering a love of reading in students is of more significance than finding relevance in content only. Sardine in Outer Space changed my perspective on the use of graphic novels in the classroom and allowed for an important paradigm shift.

Anne Frank

Written By:Vanora Leigh
Illustrated By: Richard Hook

Fourteen year old Anne Frank and her family, the Van Daan family and Albert Dussel hid in the "Secret Annexe" for two years to escape Nazi persecution. Living in constant fear of the discovery of the Gestapo, Anne kept a diary of her innermost thoughts and dreams. Tragically, the occupants of the annexe were eventually captured as prisoners. Mr. Frank was the sole survivor of the atrocity of the Holocaust and upon returning to the annexe was given Anne's diary- her confident admist the tragedy of war. More than thirteen million copies of Anne's diary have been published today.

Knowledge Gained
I am familiar with the story of Anne Frank and I have read her published diary, but the tragedy of her wartime life never ceases to amaze me. By reading the biography of Anne Frank, I have learned facts about Anne's life that I never knew before. First of all, it surprised me that Anne Frank's family were once a wealthy family. Perhaps I was ignorant in believing so, but the details of her life left me under the impression that her family was poor. I never really stopped to think that the Nazis did not care if a Jewish family were rich or poor; they stole their entire lives away to reduce them to nothingness regardless. The reality of stripping away a Jewish life, or any life for that matter, to reduce their self-worth absolutely horrifies me. I realize that humans have the capacity within them to be pure evil. Another thing that surprised me about Anne Frank's life was that the family's Dutch friends continued to help them by bringing news of the outside world and food while in hiding. I previously believed that they had only helped Anne's family and the other occupants move into the annexe. I wonder if I could be so brave to do such a noble, good deed if I were placed in that same situation. I consider myself a friendly person who would go above and beyond to help a person in need, but could I truly sacrifice my own life to save another? The aid provided to Anne's family by their Dutch friends reminds me of the power of friendship and the goodness in people. The last fact that surprised me when reading Anne Frank's biography was that Mr. Frank was the only survivor of Auschwitz. I had previously believed that there had been no survivors (of the people living in the annexe). How could Mr. Frank or any other Jewish survivor, move forward from such an unbelievable atrocity?

I'll admit that when I read a text, I am rarely drawn to the illustrations. I tend to focus on the text, even when the illustrations prove phenomenal. However, I thought that the illustrations in the biography of Anne Frank are breath-taking for a number of reasons. First, the sketches are completely realistic. Each and every detail is so delicately portrayed which enables the reader to truly believe that those characters could have been the very real individuals described in the book. The expressions of the individuals are captured so poignantly, which enables a personal attachment and therefore empathy is felt for the individuals described. The colors used are reflected in browns, blacks and grays which convey the sinister, terrifying and awful anticipating mood. Lastly, there are real photographs used in the biography which enforce the realism of Anne's sad and tragic life. One photograph in particular showed individuals in a cattle train with the caption underneath that read "Jewish victims of Nazi persecution being transported to a concentration camp." This photograph made me realize that Anne was a real person, a person like you and a person like me who experienced something tragic beyond which I could ever imagine.

Relating the Biography to Real-Life Events
The biography of Anne Frank made me think back to a time when I was in grade eleven. I regret that I have forgotten his name, but the memory of his impactful speech will live on in my memory forever. The school had welcomed a Jewish holocaust survivor into the community to share his experiences with the students. That man stood at the front of the gymnasium for well over two hours and not a word was spoken by the entire school. His stories were so unbelievable that there really are no words that would do justice to explain how I felt in that moment. I remember thinking to myself "how does this man get up in the morning and share his story with so many people? How does he not live in constant fear?" And I will never forget what this incredible man said next. (I do not remember the words exactly, but he said something along the lines of what is to follow). "I live in constant fear. I fear everyday that somebody once more with so much hatred will rule over us. I fear that if I do not tell my story, then it will happen again." Then he said something that truly inspired me to make a personal goal of in my life-"do not hate anybody. The power of hate is too strong." I've heard so many people say that hate is a strong word but coming from this brave and inspiring man of haunting experiences and undeniable tragedy, no words have ever proven so powerful.

May we never forget

Whispers of War

The War of 1812 Diary of Susanna Merritt
Written By: Kit Pearson

Dear Great-Granddaughter Paige,

 I have just finished reading a book entitled Whispers of War written by Kit Pearson, who happens to be one of my very favorite authors. What I liked the most about this book is that Susanna writes about her life to her future great-granddaughter, Constance, in order to share the details of her life. Susanna does so in a diary format, making her life even more exciting and personal. The book is even shaped in the format of a real diary, complete with a red ribbon- just like the one described as Susanna's diary. Susanna's brother Hamilton, encouraged her to write just so, so that the events of her life would be recorded down in history. And so, my dear Paige, I thought I would share my life with you too because Susanna's life was infinitely different from mine as I imagine yours to be from mine too. The first difference I noticed in Susanna's life compared to mine was the way in which she was schooled. Susanna went to school in a one-room building and in the winter, the students had to bring firewood to keep warm. Susanna says her teacher was not that intelligent and only required that the students write long lists on their slates as he slept. But Susanna was a smart little girl because her mother taught her at home. Granddaughter, I picture this way of school in my mind so eagerly and vividly because I am currently attending school to learn how to be a teacher myself. And oh, how things are so completely different! I am learning how children construct their own knowledge through active learning, how to develop tasks which enable a student's critical thinking and reading skills and how to promote elements of cooperative learning to ensure success. I wonder what it will be like when you go to school Paige. Will children be so far advanced by that time that school will not be needed? If not, will you become a teacher too? I hope so Paige. I am the first person in my family to attend university and so I intend to carry on the line of well-educated individuals. But whatever you choose to do darling Paige, know that I love you. Another aspect of Susanna's life that is so different from mine is in her relationships with other people. There appears to be little personal time for Susanna to be independent and free. Her relationships with other people lie almost directly in relation to her family. I thought of how interesting it was to read how after supper, Susanna's family would stay inside and occupy the silence with knitting or reading or work for the men. Time spent with Susanna's friends were precious because so much time was spent with her family, working, doing the chores and simply being together. I do not see my family on a regular basis, even my mother and brother who live so very close to me. We do not live in the same household and weeks can fly by without us as much as saying hello. Yet, I feel as though I love and respect my family just as much as Susanna does. I hope Paige, as you grow up that you know the joy and love of belonging to a family; one that cares for you, loves you and supports you in whatever way that may be. The last aspect of Susanna's life that I wish to share with you Paige, are the events in which Susanna's life was negatively affected every single day- war. Susanna was directly affected by the war of 1812 and experienced fear, sorrow and loss in a way that I have yet to experience, most thankfully. I cannot even begin to imagine the immense fear and caution with which Susanna lived her life- and being just a child at that! There is war going on in the world as I write these words to you Paige, but thankfully I am not directly affected. I do not live my everyday in fear of war, yet I ponder the possibility of it ever being so. I pray that I do not as I do for you. War is a terrible tragedy which destroys lives. Susanna's life taught me a great deal about life in general and about the way things were. I have gained a greater appreciation for my own life and will count my blessings each and every day.  I will continue to share the details of my life with you Paige so that you too one day will know a sense of what life once was and what it could become.

Love Your Great-Grandmother

Something Good

Written By: Robert Munsch
Illustrated By: Michael Martchenko


Something Good by Robert Munsch is the story of a young girl's grocery shopping adventure with her father. The message contained within the story is that no amount of money could ever replace the love between a parent/guardian and child.

Analysis of Text
  • Repetition of phrases (examples: "up and down the aisle" and "ice cream, cookies, chocolate bars, ginger ale")
  • Simple diction
  • Combination of short and long sentences
  • Emphasis on important words (use of capital letters)
  • Experiences that relate to children (grocery shopping, wanting to buy junk food)
  • Humorous nature (Tyya is mistaken for a doll)
  • Happy ending :)
Analysis of Illustrations
  • Very detailed
  • Vivid colors
  • Watercolor media (areas of light and dark run into one another creating areas of contrast)
  • Realistic people
  • Exaggerated use of facial expressions (expressions which draw upon the humorous elements in the story)
  • Pictures tell a story all on their own
Multi-cultural Elements and Avoidance of Stereotypes
When I looked deeper into the text and illustrations of Something Good, I was highly impressed (and happy) to see that elements of multi-culturalism were represented. The main character Tyya, is portrayed as a non-white little girl. Unfortunately, in my experience with literature, characters tend to be represented solely as white characters. However, in Something Good, all the characters are represented across different races and colors. All characters carry the same weight in importance and characters are portrayed as individual characters, not as a stereotypical whole of a particular culture. The language used in the book is not representative of one cultural stereotype either. I believe that the representation of multi-cultural characters in a children's book sends a positive message to readers. Children are shown that all people, no matter their race, ethnicity and/or color are equal. Using such material as Something Good in the classroom encompasses and welcomes the diversity of learners within the classroom. What I also liked the most about this particular book was the avoidance of stereotypes used mainly in the illustrations. Instead of depicting a "typical" scene of a mother grocery shopping with her children, the story follows the shopping adventure of a father and his daughter. Although the last picture in the book does show Tyya with her siblings, mother and father, the main part of the story focuses on the relationship between Tyya and her father. The father is portrayed as engaging in a chore that is usually depicted as a "mother's job." Again, a positive message is sent to children showing that there is no one "right" family dynamic.

How the Sun Made A Promise and Kept It

A Candian Indian Myth
Retold By: Margery Berstein and Janet Kobrin
Illustrated By: Ed Heffernan

I'm truly not one to judge a book by it's cover, but in the case of How the Sun Made A Promise and Kept It, I did. But not because I was drawn to the cover of the book for it's exquisite color or remarkable images. Ah, quite the opposite in fact. I was drawn to the cover of the book due to, in my opinion, the ugliness. The cover appears to have been colored in brown crayon and has a cartoon drawing of a human figure and various oddly shaped creatures. The human figure and the characters have their hands over their eyes and appear to be either tired or frustrated. Nevertheless , I will admit that if I can gather that much from such an ugly image, that the illustrations must be effective in some way. I quickly flipped through the pages before reading and sure enough, ugly. All the pages are colored in the same brown crayon and there are no white spaces whatsoever. The images look like an amateur artist had picked up a pen and scribbled some thoughtless characters in a story. Nevertheless, I can't help but think that my response to the illustrations are reflective of my response to the fact that the story is a myth. When I think of the word "myth," I think of something told a long time ago, a story that is usually strange and/or boring and a story that I have no personal relevance to. But then again, when is the last time that I actually ever sat down to read a myth? I believe it is time to do so now....

Analysis of Text
I liked the story. BUT, I'm sticking to my original thoughts-I still do not like the illustrations! What I liked most about the story was reading about an explanation for the sun's position in the sky, something other than of a scientific nature. It was interesting to think of how Weese-ke-jak made a bargain with the sun to not come too close to the earth but to give enough heat during the day as well. While reading, I thought about how so much of my life is centred on knowing the research for this and knowing the research for that, so it was refreshing to just sit back and let my imagination be sparked. Children learn so much in school that is oftentime just not exciting or meaningful to them, but I feel that this myth enables readers to expand their minds.

Canadian Heritage
My favorite part of the book was when Beaver was the only animal who could set the sun free. The beaver being the national emblem of Canada, I felt such great pride in my nation, even when just reading such a simple, enjoyable myth. Feeling such pride in my country made me think about how in the classroom there should be ample access to multicultural literature for students. Through reading, students gain knowledge and most importantly, find great pride in oneself as a reflection of their nationality. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sadie and the Snowman

Written By: Allen Morgan
Illustrated By: Brenda Clark

When I was looking for a children's picture book in the curriculum materials centre, I stumbled upon Sadie and the Snowman written by Allen Morgan and illustrated by Brenda Clark. A wonderful sense of nostalgia filled me with warmth as I remembered countless hours of reading this particular book as a child. I thought about how special it was that a book could fill me with such happiness and contentment. I was excited to take a trip down memory lane and write a heartfelt response to a beloved story.

"What an awful book!" was my response when I finally had a chance to read Sadie and the Snowman. I sat in utter disbelief and disappointment after reading what I thought to have been the greatest book of all time. I felt a little annoyed when I thought of how I was going to have to return the book and replace it with another. I don't really have an explanation as to why, but I kept renewing Sadie and the Snowman. One day, I picked the book up and I thought to myself " maybe I'll read it once more, there must be something else." I just could not understand how I could feel such an emotional reaction to a book and then wonder why in the world I ever chose to pick it up to read again. Sadie and the Snowman is not a horrible book, I suppose. I can see why children would respond to the story in a positive way. The story is all about a little girl named Sadie who builds a snowman over and over again because the birds and the raccoons eat the carrot nose and the cookie eyes. Twice. The snowman is made once more but the sun melts the snowman away. This melting away of the snowman takes a long time in the story. The snowman is built once more, the birds and raccoons indulge in their trickery again. Sadie finally puts a ball of snow in her freezer and voila, she has the beginning of a snowman for the next winter. Not too much depth one would gather, but maybe that's the point. Children like simple and children respond to hopeful. The illustrations appear to have been created using watercolor and so the images are visually appealing to the eye. The images are also quite detailed and therefore tell the story on their own. I think the blue and yellow border on each page contributes to the dullness of the storyline however. The book does not give me a positive vibe as to the story being overly exciting or stimulating for children.

One day at my mom's house, I showed Sadie and the Snowman to her and asked if she remembered the book. Mom looked at the book with a sad smile and said that she could remember me sitting on the bed for hours at a time reading that book. By this time, Sadie and the Snowman was really starting to annoy me. But then mom said "I should have made more snowmen with you, the only one you ever did make was with your father." And then I knew why Sadie and the Snowman was so important to me. Making that snowman with my father was and is one of the very few memories I have of being with him. My mother and father divorced when I was five years old and I never saw or heard from him again. I read Sadie and the Snowman for hours on end every single day because it was the only thing that connected me to that precious memory I had of my father and I.

I read Sadie and the Snowman one more time and smiled. The story was no longer dull, empty or boring; the story was a reflection of the comfort I found in the power of reading as a child.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle

Written By: Rumer Godden
Illustrated By: Mairi Hedderwick

If I Had A Wish...

If I had a wish, I would wish for a car
And then when I wanted, I could go really far
If I had a wish, I would wish for money
And then I'd do what I want, no matter the fee
If I had a wish, I would wish for a house
I'd have chairs and a couch, maybe even a mouse!
If I had a wish, I would wish for it all
But then, should I wonder what bad could befall?
I would have what I want, and want even more
I'd become greedy and full, of that I am sure
If I had a wish, I would wish for a dream
In a world full of love, in a place I could sing
Where all would be well and my life I'd enjoy
Without fortune and fame, greedy and coy
But wait, what is that I hear myself say?
I do have that dream, I live it today.
I have family and friends, a good home and money
I'm as happy and well as I ever will be.
The truth I must share with you I say
If I had a wish, I'd wish for today.

A Handful of Time

Written By: Kit Pearson

If ever a novel could make me feel so depressed yet so empowered at the very same time, it would be Kit Pearson's novel A Handful of Time. After reading the novel, I felt as though somebody had taken the very intimate details of my life and used them against me, like a slap in the face. However, when I first started reading the novel, I felt such a special personal connection to the main character of Patricia. Patricia was described as a young, painfully shy and nervous girl who was spending the summer at her family's lake. The reason for doing so was because her parents were working out the details of their separation. Even though the situation was portrayed differently, I still connected to Patricia in the sense that I too, dealt with the divorce of my parents at a young age. Likewise, I spent most of my childhood summers at my grandparent's house and therefore I felt a sense of empathy for Patricia. I was also a painfully shy little girl and so I saw myself reflected in the character of Patricia. As Patricia travelled back in time and the details of her mother's past were revealed, I felt such a sickening sense in the pit of my stomach. As I read further, memories of my own past, reflected in the character of Patricia's mother Ruth, came flooding back at me. Like Ruth, I was treated completely different from anyone else in my family. Due to unfortunate circumstances, I constantly felt alienated, rejected and out of place at "home." Because I was so different from my family in way of thoughts, beliefs and actions, I was consistently accused of thinking that I was better than everyone else. Even though Ruth's life experiences were not as extreme as mine were, reading about her alienation from her family made me depressed for remembering long forgotten woes. But, reading about how Ruth created an independent life for herself, one that was quite successful, gave me a sense of peace. I thought about how I came out on top despite the adversary in my life. I maintained extremely high marks throughout school, made a positive reputation for myself in the community and moved out on my own at age eighteen. Reading the sentence "Sometimes it might be best to forget the past or at least accept it, and then keep on going" empowered me. That sentence reflects the strength and power I see in myself today. A Handful of Time allowed me to reflect on my accomplishments as an individual. I thought about how I put the past behind me a long time ago and I am proud of the life I have created for myself. I have the most wonderful and understanding relationship with both my mother and my brother today and the woes of the past have been long forgiven. A Handful of Time reminded me of my own life struggle, but one in which I proudly overcame.

Storytelling Style
The description of a sad and lonely girl, confused by the details of her parent's separation enabled an effective transition into an altered reality. Feelings as such coupled with anxiety over spending the summer with a family not well known, makes it easy for a reader to suspend disbelief when Patricia travels back in time. Patricia is a believable character with whom readers can relate to. Patricia is forced to spend the summer at a lake, an environment she is not used to. Her cousins tease and make fun of her and all the while Patricia is dealing with feelings of confusion over her parent's separation. Patricia's experiences and feelings are those of which some individuals are familiar with. Therefore, seeing the story from Patricia's point of view enables the reader to believe the story as if it could possibly be true. Also enabling the reader to view the story as true, the setting is described in deep and thorough details. The images are described so in-depth that one can imagine oneself lying upon the cool bed at La Petite or running over the hot sand at the beach.

The Main Character
The growth development shown in Patricia throughout the course of the novel allows readers to suspend their disbelief of the modern fantasy. Readers believe the story to be true because it is not just a story about a girl travelling back in time, it is the story of a girl who learns the truth of her mother's past and is enabled to create her own future. Patricia is first presented as a shy young girl who bottles her emotions and is teased and taunted by her cousins. By the end of the novel, Patricia realizes the potential in herself, sharing her thoughts and feelings with her mother and sharing her talent of cooking with the entire family. As readers see how Patricia develops over time from a painfully shy child to a more confident young lady, the story of travelling back in time into a distant past is made believable.

A Handful of Time forced me to realize that I will truly never regret the unwanted memories of my past and enabled me to realize the beauty of my future.


Written By Gail Gibbons

While editing my reading response journals, I felt as though I had to re-write my journal response to the information book Cats, written by Gail Gibbons. I felt as though I had written the journal response in a more educational manner as opposed to a more reflective, personal manner. As I prepared to write another journal response, I felt as though some main points were valuable and so should be included in a revised edit of the first journal response. These important points included:

  • Cats is an effective information book for readers because the content is accurate and true to the subject area.
  • The reader is offered a vast array of information pertaining to the history, characteristics and care of cats and kittens, thereby broadening their horizons on a familiar topic.
  • The book fosters a reader's development of critical thinking and reading skills. A combination of short and long sentences are used to create a sense of steady flow when reading. Also, the diction used is quite simple so that readers are not over-complicated by the vast array of information provided.
  • The illustrations are accurate and enrich the text by providing a visual image relating to the information provided in any particular section. The illustrations are not incredibly vibrant nor completely dull but contain recurring colors of green, brown, some red and blue- mainly neutral colors. Because Cats is not an exciting story, a suspenseful mystery or an imaginative creation, the neutrality of the illustrations connect and unify the informative text.
  • Most important of all, Cats is an enjoyable read.
I sat down to re-read the informational book Cats and about half-way through, I had to stop reading. When I reflected originally on Cats, I had talked about how the book made me think of my own three cats and how much I loved them. Unfortunately, between the time that I wrote my first journal response and then my second journal response, my cat Meeko went missing. Meeko was twelve years old; a very old cat. Even though it is painful to think about, I believe that Meeko knew his time was short and so he left to pass away. After a sad moment, I convinced myself to continue writing my journal response, in specifically responding to the section entitled "Caring For Your Cat." I immediately thought of how I had adopted Meeko and his sister Miyou when they were ten years old. I remember Miyou's big green eyes and how she was scared all the time. It took lots of love, care and patience to gain her trust and in time she became a very contented, very loving old cat. Meeko was not very affectionate at all and appeared quite small for his age. With lots of love and care and a huge dent in our cat food budget, Meeko became the very definition of a lazy, cuddly lap cat. He was fat, but healthy. As I read further on in the book, I felt such a pure sense of happiness and pride because I knew I had essentially saved my cats and given them a good, happy home. I realized that no matter how sad I was over losing Meeko, I was happy too because I alone had made him into a happy and healthy cat who could have no better. Reading the section on "Caring For Your Kitten" made me smile as I remembered bringing home my kitten, Monster. Reading the book Cats was made meaningful and engaging to me as I reflected on my role as a good pet owner- and most importantly, made peace with the absence of Meeko in my life.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dinosaur Dinner (With A Slice of Alligator Pie)

Favorite Poems by Dennis Lee
Selected by Jack Prelutsky
Illustrated by Debbie Tilley

"To foster creativity in children, we must first find it within ourselves"

Dinosaur Dinner (With A Slice of Alligator Pie) is a selection of short, silly, rhyming poems. Each poem is effectively accompanied with a cartoon drawing, creating a complementing visual image to the text. What I liked most about this book was in fact, the title! I remember reading the poem Alligator Pie when I was in elementary school and absolutely loving the rhyming scheme associated with the poem. Everytime I say the poem in my mind, I do so with an exaggerated tone of expression, emphasizing words in some phrases and changing the volume of my voice for others. I think that when children are presented with fun, silly and simple poems, they are enabled a personal connection with that poem because it is something that is exciting and appealing to them. When children find a personal connection with poetry then a love of poetry is fostered.  When I was a teenager, I used poetry as a means to convey my personal thoughts and emotions. However, unlike Dinosaur Dinner (With A Slice of Alligator Pie), my poems tended to be sappy and sweet, thoughtful and sad.  Reading this particular book inspired me to pick up my pen, pull on my thinking hat and give a go at the poetry skills again-this time with a new twist! I believe that in order to foster creativity in children, we must first find creativity within ourselves.

Vanilla chocolate cake, vanilla chocolate cake
 I eat too much, it gives a toothache.
I eat a piece of light, then I eat a piece of dark
I can't get enough of vanilla chocolate cake

Vanilla chocolate cake, vanilla chocolate cake
It's goodness is so yummy, I simply cannot wait
Moist, soft and great. Sugar coated sweet
Gimme some o'that vanilla chocolate cake

Dinosaur Dan, Dinosaur Dan
My bestest friend, he's cool, wild and down
A trickster too, he's fun to be around
Dinosaur Dan, oh Dinosaur Dan

Peter, Tom and Polly, Peter, Tom and Polly
They had a sister and her name was Molly
They liked to jump around, outside the skirts of town
Oh how I miss silly Peter, Tom and Polly

Quincy Rumpel

Written by Betty Waterton

From a spaghetti surprise to a mushroom business; from a hair-do experiment to an attic disaster, the Rumpel family are zany and crazy and never seem to skip a beat! Quincy Rumpel is the story of a fun-loving family's move to the West Coast and the exciting events of which to follow.

Personal Feelings
I thought Quincy Rumpel was the most silliest, innocent and fun-loving book I have ever read. When I read of Quincy's marvellous plan to cut her own hair (you can imagine how that one went!), I thought about my own hair-cutting fiasco. Best friend. Curly hair. Sticky gum. You get the picture. When I read about how Quincy fell from the attic through her parent's ceiling, I thought of my own attic catastrophe. Clumsy best friend. Small attic. Dust and plaster. It's self-explanatory really. While reading Quincy Rumpel, I thought of how as a child I dreamed of belonging to a family just as exciting as the Rumpel family. I felt that same kind of enthusiasm and excitement over imagining myself a part of such a dysfunctional, crazy, fun family, just like the one portrayed in Quincy Rumpel. Quincy Rumpel delighted me to no end and transformed me into a silly world of which I became a part of.

Reflecting on my childhood desires to belong to a family like the Rumpels, enabled me to reminisce about memories of the past from an adult perspective. Most of my happy childhood memories stem from time spent with my grandparents and extended family out around the bay. What Quincy Rumpel did for me was to remember those long forgotten but nevertheless, precious memories. I remember how my aunt and I performed a puppet play for my little cousins using faces drawn on socks, behind an old mattress. My grandmother and grandfather were laughing so hard they almost fell off the chair. I remember how my grandfather had a little bit of cake stuck to his lip, and how Nan and I spent the entire afternoon laughing at him. Quincy Rumpel made me realize that even though I longed to be part of a different family as a child, I had always and always will continue to believe that my extended family could not replace another.

Quincy Rumpel is such a delightful novel for young readers because it is funny, witty and upbeat. The novel follows a family of five who move to the West Coast to support Mr. Rumpel's mushroom business. The storyline is told in a series of outrageous events which are undoubtedly humorous. The mood conveyed throughout the novel is positive and upbeat even despite a few "ordinary" catastrophes. For example, it is quite hard not to laugh when one reads how Quincy jumps on her brother for lying on her balcony, her glasses fly off her face and the entire family searches for the glasses in the bush. This excitement occurs only hours upon purchasing the glasses. In the novel, events are quick to happen and just as quickly to be resolved with problems always presented in a fun and silly manner. In doing so, the novel is presented as an easy read for less advanced readers. The one story outline divided into short chapters allows for a more comprehensive understanding of one idea. The novel's theme is reflected in the togetherness of family and friendship and enables in readers a sense of hope and happiness.

The Main Character
Quincy Rumpel is young, curious and full of life. The lack of character development avoids confusion in young readers and enables one to relate to and connect with a stable character. Young females in particular, can relate to the charming attributes of a fun-loving girl. Quincy Rumpel's thoughts, feelings and actions reflect what children see in themselves and/or are curious to recognize in others. For example, Quincy cuts her own hair when it becomes too long, is caught at two in the morning trying to find a Save the Whales t-shirt, and tries to convince her parents that they truly need a dog in the family. Quincy is impulsive, unpredictable and treats life like one big adventure. In this way, readers can relate to a character like Quincy, someone who is effective as a believable character.

The Book Connected to the Real World
After reading Quincy Rumpel, I thought about how I ought to appreciate each day of life in its entirety and to not stress over the small things. I thought about how I tend to become overwhelmed and caught up in everyday occurrences which cause me great anxiety and grief. What I took away from Quincy Rumpel was a greater appreciation for life. The next time I'm moody and upset about not having a supper hour because I work, I'll remember Quincy's determined attempt at a half-frozen, half-edible spaghetti surprise. When I stress over getting schoolwork completed in time, I'll think of the Rumpel family's happy-go-lucky attitide. Quincy Rumpel reminded me that life is full of problems- big and small but that it is our attitiudes and reactions to those problems which allow us to enjoy the life we are given.

Thank You, Mr. Falker

Written and Illustrated by Patricia Polacco

"The honey is sweet, and so is knowledge, but knowledge is like the bee who made the honey, it has to be chased through the pages of a book."

Thank You, Mr. Falker, is an autobiographical narrative of Patricia Polacco's personal struggle with dyslexia in primary and elementary school. In Thank You, Mr. Falker, a kind-hearted fifth grade teacher discovers that Trisha cannot read, and so with determination sets out to help her do just so- and she does. Thank You, Mr. Falker is a personal thank-you to a teacher who truly cared and to all teachers alike who continue to change the lives of children.

Storytelling Style
Patricia Polacco's personal struggle with dyslexia is told through the eyes of young Trisha in a poignant and reflective manner. The storytelling style is quite effective as the narrative begins with a sense of hopefulness in the promise of a young girl learning to read. As the story of Trisha's struggle with reading and mathematics unfolds, the setting and events which are to follow allow children to relate to the main character. Just as Trisha had felt despair in her struggle with learning to read and was ridiculed and teased by fellow classmates, readers can relate to negative feelings expressed as a result of difficulties in school. A sense of hope and promise is instilled in readers when Trisha finally learns how to read, with the help of one special teacher.

The Main Character
The main character, Trisha, is a believable character whom children can relate to. Trisha is described as a young girl who loves school because it is a place where she can express herself through art. Trisha's weakness is reading and as a result, is teased and ridiculed by her peers because she lags behind in reading development. Trisha literally hides herself away from the cruelness of her peers until she meets one truly special teacher, Mr. Falker. Mr. Falker does everything in his power to help Trisha learn to read and she does, resulting in great pride. Children can relate to Trisha's character in the sense that they experience most, if not all of what Trisha experiences in the narrative. Children can relate to being in a school setting where teasing, fear and loneliness is present and can therefore feel empathy for Trisha when she is ridiculed by her peers. Children can also relate to the relationship shared by Trisha and Mr. Falker in the one person that they look up to- their hero.

Polacco's illustrations were created using either acrylic paint or oil pastels which give the images a textured look. The colors often run one into the other, which focuses and highlights areas of lightness and areas of darkness. Most effectively, Polacco uses color to convey mood from the text. For example, when Polacco speaks of Trisha's grandmother and grandfather letting go of the grass and passing on, dark green colors are used to reflect a somber mood. When Polacco described how Trisha and her family moved across country, Polacco used bright orange to convey the mood of enthusiasm and happiness. The illustrations therefore give effective meaning to the text.

Personal Feelings
After reading Thank You, Mr. Falker, I felt a sense of admiration for all the compassionate teachers who made a difference in a child's life. The book enabled me to reflect on my own experiences in school and to think of all the wonderful teachers who I believe represent Mr. Falker. I thought about how I related to the character of Trisha in the sense that we both struggled with aspects of school; for Trisha, it was the curriculum, for me it was a struggle with feeling like an outcast. I had plenty of friends and always someone to talk to but I was different. I grew up in a broken home in a social housing development with my mom and brother. I connected to Trisha in feelings of loneliness and thoughts of being a failure. I felt empathy for Trisha. Yet, the book inspired me and gave me a sense of hope in knowing that my plans in life were true- to one day become a remarkable teacher like Mr.Falker. Reading Thank You, Mr. Falker was like looking into a window of memory and having my own image reflected back. I thought about those teachers, who like Mr. Falker, never gave up on me. The teachers who took me for face value and did not just look at my family life or situation. The teachers who did not judge me for what I came from but who challenged me for what I would become. Thank You, Mr. Falker did more than just instill in me a sense of happiness and contentment, Thank You, Mr. Falker made me forget about the stresses and anxieties of life and allowed me to truly reflect on my one true purpose in life- to teach.